Wednesday 21 July 2010

Sachin Tendulkar gives blood for writting his biography

It is known to all that, Sachin Tendulkar gives blood for writting his biography. A giant book name is "The Tendulkar Opus" is coming out in February, with 10 copies being printed using his blood.

The biography of Tendulkar is designed to be the "ultimate tribute to a living sporting legend" and "the definitive work on his life and career", publishers Kraken said.

"The signature page will be mixed with
Sachin's blood - mixed into the paper pulp so it's a red resin," Kraken chief executive Karl Fowler told The Guardian.

"It is what it is - you will have
Sachin's blood on the page. It's not everyone's cup of tea, it's not to everyone's taste and some may think it's a bit weird.

"But the key thing here is that
Sachin Tendulkar to millions of people is a religious icon.

"And we thought how, in a publishing form, can you get as close to your god as possible?"

The 10 "blood" copies have all been pre-ordered and cost about £49,000 each.

The proceeds from their sale will reportedly go towards Tendulkar's charitable foundation.

Around 1,000 regular copies, each numbered and personally signed, will go on sale for between £1,300 and £1,900. Each of the 852 pages is half a metre square and edged in gold leaf.

The publication weighs 37kg (82lbs) and contains around 1,500 images and more than 300,000 words.

Tendulkar is the first cricketer to be given the Opus treatment. Previous works have been published on Ferrari, Manchester United, Diego Maradona and Michael Jackson.

"The Opus brand is all about celebrating the highest achievers in their fields - whether that is art, sport or entertainment," editor Justyn Barnes said.

Sachin is a true icon - a man who really transcends his sport."

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