Saturday 31 July 2010

Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers riot over wages

DHAKA, Bangladesh — Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers took to the streets, burning cars and blocking traffic in the capital Dhaka on Friday to protest against a government-announced wage hike that fell far short of their demands.

Police officers said security forces used tear gas and batons Friday to disperse the protesters in central Dhaka, where dozens of garment factories are located.

The angry workers broke into shuttered buildings and set furniture on fire in the heart of Dhaka Friday, the BBC reported.

Officers said several people were injured. The officers spoke on condition of anonymity, citing local briefing rules.

After weeks of violent protests, Bangladesh nearly doubled the minimum monthly wage Thursday for millions of workers in the key export garment industry to 3,000 taka ($43) from 1,662 taka, but it fell far short of labor union demands of 5,000 taka. The increase will take effect on November 1, 2010.

"We are rejecting what has been offered as increased wages because it is too inadequate to make ends meet," a worker told Reuters news agency.

Bangladesh-based factories make clothes for international brands such JCPenney, Wal-Mart, H&M, Marks & Spencer, Zara and Carrefour.

Garments are Bangladesh's biggest export, accounting for more than 80 percent of annual export earnings worth $16 billion as garment industry workers earn wages well below the poverty line.

The garment sector is Bangladesh's second biggest employer after agriculture, with about 4,500 factories employing about 3.5 million workers, with many toiling in dangerous conditions.

Dozens of workers were injured in clashes with police last month at protests over salaries and working conditions that disrupted production at several factories.
Thousands of Bangladeshi garment workers riot over wages

You must need to know 9 easy creative ways to save money for vacation

At the time of vacation you must think how to save your money in a limit of time?Just follow me.
Following are nine easy ways to save up money for your own vacation.

1.Open a dedicated savings account:
If you are serious about your effort to fund your travels directly and methodically, rather than out of whatever is in your bank account when your travel date comes around, this is a critical step. In most cases the cost to set up an account is zero, save for a bit of your time.

If you go this route, make sure you do not face any minimum balance penalties when you actually start to use and spend down the money you've saved. It may also be useful to have ATM and online access to the account, which will let you draw money directly from the account when booking and while you travel; this keeps you from mingling your regular accounts with your "trip money," guaranteeing that the money you set aside for the trip is the money you actually spend.

Using a single, dedicated account will also help you keep on budget during your trip, as the easiest way to know how much you are spending is to track the balance of your specific travel account. You can keep an eye on your balance as your trip progresses, and track the true cost of your trip without too much effort.

2.Set up automatic transfers:
Once you have a dedicated account set up, you have to fill it up. If you don't trust yourself or family members to do so, set up an automatic transfer at a regular interval to do it for you. This is easy to set up and can really add up over time. A transfer of $14/week ($2/day) adds up to just short of $730 by the end of a year; that would have funded flights for my entire family to aforementioned wedding, and we could have skipped the 13 hours of grueling summer weekend driving we did instead. Look into package deals, and you can sometimes take your whole family on vacation for not much more than that.

If you've set up a recurring direct deposit for your paycheck, often you can work with your employer to have your deposits split among multiple accounts. So you could have 1 or 5 or 10 percent of your paycheck go straight into your dedicated travel account — without having to move it yourself or being tempted to spend it.

3.Let someone else do it for you:
If the preceding approach sounds like too many trips to the bank branch, you can do the whole thing online — and even have someone twist your arm. To that end, check out ( read a review of the service here and see a video of a family saving for a trip around the world here), where you choose a savings goal when you set up your account, and let SmartyPig keep the transfers going until you reach your goal. Subsequently you have several options on how to collect the money, including transfers back to your banking account, a debit card or even gift cards. On top of that, it seems that SmartyPig offers one of the highest interest rates in the country, so your money works for you as well.

4.The trusty change jar:
We finally filled up a large pretzel jar of spare change recently and took it to a local bank with a change machine (avoid the supermarket machines, which take 8 percent of your savings). We discovered that we had accumulated over $500 of spare change — yeah! Seem impossible? Not at all — it only takes $1.36/day to get to $500 in a year. If most families have two adults emptying their pockets into a bucket every day, the silver adds up fast. Our 3-year-old has his own change jar as well and is contributing to the cause with any loose change that ends up on the kitchen counter, on the floor in the car, etc.

5.Do a true budget:
It sounds like a government budget office tactic, but I encourage you to do a budget that accounts for money you don't spend while on your trip. This includes food, lower energy bills, weeknight movies, Netflix or on-demand rentals, suspended paper delivery, etc. This will give you a much more honest cash-flow analysis of how much your trip is going to cost you. Don't forget to factor in non-travel costs like boarding for pets and hiring the neighbor kid to mow the lawn; in the end, for plus and minus, you will have a better sense of what the trip actually costs.

Our Travel Budget Calculator can get you started with your trip budget.

6.Liquidate directly into a travel fund:
Almost everyone I know has a plan to get rid of a ton of stuff on eBay or craigslist, and almost all of them have yet to get to it. They need motivation; the decision to put all monies collected directly toward a travel fund can provide just that. Once you set up an account of some type per the above, start emptying out your closets of all your extra stuff, and fill up your dedicated travel accounts with the income. I recently sold a filing cabinet for $50, a dishwasher for $150, an old "Sports Illustrated" magazine for $37 — there's a night's stay at a very decent hotel right there.

Good old-fashioned yard sales seem to be doing better than ever. Our annual neighborhood effort generated about three times as much income this year compared to years past.

7.Travel grants:
If you are traveling for professional, educational or research purposes, you may qualify for any number of travel grants available to qualified individuals. In most cases travel grants do not fund entire trips, but will rather offset some of your expenses — so while you won't get a free trip, it can be considerable money in your pocket nonetheless. Check out this primer for finding and applying for travel grants.

Also, if you're planning a volunteer vacation, you can often drum up support from churches or temples, community organizations, and other local charity-minded institutions.

8.Get everyone saving:
Any parent knows that travel costs multiply dramatically when kids are added to the mix — you need more plane tickets, bigger rental cars, more beds, more tickets to attractions, more food, more more more.

If your kids get allowances, or if you give them a weekly spending budget, they should help save for the trip as well, whether in cash from their allowance or chits from their spending limits. Explain that vacations cost extra, and that while you are still paying the bills at home during the trip and will cover most of the travel expenses, they will need to save up for any little extra stuff they want to buy. Let them know specifically what they need to save for — you'll pay for airplanes, hotel rooms, meals, park admission and the like, and perhaps they'll pay for souvenirs and non-mealtime desserts.

9.Grandparent (or parent) travel grant:
You know you sweat the high cost of taking a family on vacation, but getting your kids to look at travel as something that costs a lot more money than staying home can be a challenge. has a great solution that can be used by grandparents or parents alike: Have the kids apply for a travel grant from you to fund the trip.

The site suggests establishing a foundation, giving it a name, having the kids create a budget and outline their responsibilities, getting letters of support — in short, going through the full grant process.
9 easy creative ways to save money for vacation

John James Audubon's First Bird Engraving Discovered

PHILADELPHIA, PA--(Marketwire - July 29, 2010) - In 1824, three years before he began to publish his famous The Birds of America, John James Audubon, the eminent artist of American birds and animals, created a drawing of a running grouse for use in the design for a New Jersey bank note. Although the artist mentions the drawing and the resulting engraved paper money in two separate diary entries, no one has ever been able to locate or identify such an illustration. Now, after a decade-long search by an Audubon scholar from Philadelphia and a numismatic historian from St. Louis, Audubon's first published illustration of a bird has been discovered.

In a forthcoming article in the Journal of the Early Republic, Robert Peck, Curator of Art at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and Eric Newman, an authority on American money, reveal their discovery and explain how Audubon's fledgling entry into the visual world of commerce took place.

Several of Audubon's biographers have searched in vain for the bank note Audubon mentioned. Unable to find the evidence of Audubon's claim, some scholars have dismissed it as a red herring, invented by Audubon (a frequent embellisher of his own achievements) to burnish his reputation in the lean years before publishing his landmark book, The Birds of America.

Now Peck and Newman's research on the nineteenth-century American banking and the engraving companies that furnished paper money at the time confirm the reliability of the artist's assertion and explain how forces beyond his control denied Audubon the numismatic immortality he craved. The ill-fated Audubon grouse image, which the authors found on engraved bank note sample sheets in a private collection, did eventually make its way onto proof bank notes made for at least two independent banks, but because these banks were in Connecticut and Ohio and were made years after the artist's initial contact with Fairman, they were not detected as being by Audubon until now.
Audubon's First Bird Engraving Discoved

Don't Eat more it's Hamper your Health

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Overweight people may respond more to a piping hot pizza, but they don't necessarily eat more of it in a single sitting, according to a new study.

University of Bristol graduate student Danielle Ferriday and her faculty advisor, Dr. Jeffrey Brunstrom, wanted to know if overweight and lean people responded differently to "food cues," and, if they did, how the mind translates these different levels of "desire-to-eat."

"We all need to eat and we all encounter many food-related cues in our everyday lives," Ferriday told Reuters Health.

Ferriday enrolled 52 normal weight and 52 overweight women in the study, exposed them to the sight and smell of pizza and measured how much they salivated, as well as their psychological responses.

While lean participants didn't salivate much more once they saw and smelled the pizza, the overweight participants salivated about a third more than usual once the pizza showed up. They also had more desire to eat, measured by a standard scale, than the lean study subjects.

However, the overweight participants didn't eat more, even after being told to eat as much as they'd like.

What that means, say the researchers, is that the overweight don't necessarily eat more when at the table, but, because of their heightened sensitivity to the cues, they may be called to the table more often.
Don't Eat more it's Hamper your Health

Wednesday 28 July 2010

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online education is the perfect solution to advancing in your chosen career

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Sachin Tendulkar gives blood for writting his biography

It is known to all that, Sachin Tendulkar gives blood for writting his biography. A giant book name is "The Tendulkar Opus" is coming out in February, with 10 copies being printed using his blood.

The biography of Tendulkar is designed to be the "ultimate tribute to a living sporting legend" and "the definitive work on his life and career", publishers Kraken said.

"The signature page will be mixed with
Sachin's blood - mixed into the paper pulp so it's a red resin," Kraken chief executive Karl Fowler told The Guardian.

"It is what it is - you will have
Sachin's blood on the page. It's not everyone's cup of tea, it's not to everyone's taste and some may think it's a bit weird.

"But the key thing here is that
Sachin Tendulkar to millions of people is a religious icon.

"And we thought how, in a publishing form, can you get as close to your god as possible?"

The 10 "blood" copies have all been pre-ordered and cost about £49,000 each.

The proceeds from their sale will reportedly go towards Tendulkar's charitable foundation.

Around 1,000 regular copies, each numbered and personally signed, will go on sale for between £1,300 and £1,900. Each of the 852 pages is half a metre square and edged in gold leaf.

The publication weighs 37kg (82lbs) and contains around 1,500 images and more than 300,000 words.

Tendulkar is the first cricketer to be given the Opus treatment. Previous works have been published on Ferrari, Manchester United, Diego Maradona and Michael Jackson.

"The Opus brand is all about celebrating the highest achievers in their fields - whether that is art, sport or entertainment," editor Justyn Barnes said.

Sachin is a true icon - a man who really transcends his sport."

News collect from

Monday 19 July 2010

Lindsay Lohan have more than 837,359 Followers Untile Today in Twitter

Do You Know about Lindsay Lohan? We know that,who is Lindsay Lohan? Lindsay Lohan is an American actress, model and pop singer-songwriter. She began her career as a child fashion model before making her motion picture debut in Disney's 1998 remake of The Parent Trap at the age of 11. Lohan gained further fame between 2003 and 2005 with leading roles in the films Freaky Friday, Mean Girls and Herbie: Fully Loaded, subsequently appearing in independent films including Robert Altman's A Prairie Home Companion and Emilio Estevez's Bobby.

Lindsay Lohan have more than 837,359 Followers Untile Today in Twitter.
Now I am giving some twittes given by lindsay lohan recently.

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 I don't want my ex-father anywhere near me no matter where I am. He is crazy and scares me. about 14 hours ago via UberTwitter

So,Stay with linda lohan.
For more Information just go to Lindsay lohan's home page in Twitter.